Nanookshuk Sponsor: The Winnipeg Foundation. This piece is the 'gateway' to the Bears on Broadway. The design is the combination of two Inuit concepts: The Nanook, or polar bear; and the Inukshuk, which is a directional guide for a safe journey that Inuit peoples create out of stacking stones. There are two bears at this location, and 61 locations in all, making a total of 62 Bears on Broadway! Bears on Broadway is an inspired colourful project bringing the business community, artist community and the community at large to raise money for CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.
City Centre
Charlie Johnston
Knights of the Polar Circle Sponsor: Members of the Manitoba Club
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Clarence Tillenius
Aurora-Bear Sponsor: The North West Company.
City Centre
Robert Connor
Aurora 'Bear'ealis- Shimmering Lights Sponsor: Unisource Canada
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Dorothy E. Brucki
Prairie Bear Sponsor: Lafarge Canada Inc.- Cement Division
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Annie Bergen
Dancing Bear Sponsor: Manulife Financial
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Robert Mensies
Call 'Bear' fore You Dig Sponsor: Manitoba Hydro
City Centre
John Henry Friesen
Because We Care Sponsor: Canada Safeway Limited. This Bear is shown (photos 1 & 2) at its original beyond Broadway location: in front of Gas Station Theatre at 445 River; or, more precisely, at the NorthEast corner of River and Osborne. Photo 3 and 4 show the Bear at its now permanent location behind the Legislature along Assiniboine.
City Centre
Helen Toews
Aurora Sponsor: The Prolific Group
City Centre
Robert Pasternak
Urban Ins'BEAR'ation Sponsor: Manitoba Blue Cross
City Centre
Mike Johnston
Bear of the Aurora Sponsor: Paul's Hauling Ltd.
City Centre
Mark Golub and Elma Rauser
Ha'bear'tat Sponsor: Centara Corporation
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Arnold Ross
New Day Bear Sponsors: Brenda & David G. Newman, Q.C.
City Centre
Rostad Desjarlais
Bear Necessities Sponsor: Winnipeg Free Press
City Centre
Hubert Theroux
Manitobear Sponsors: Dr. Babette Cohen & Dr. Keith Levin
City Centre
Karen Johnson and Maureen Johnson