The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 608-612 of 721


116 Sherbrook Street    Location Map

'As Long as the River Flows'
This artwork represents the rivers of Treaty One and Metis beadwork.

Location: W side bet. Westminster & Sara; North Face (patio wall)

Occupant: one sixteen

District: West End

Neighbourhood: West Broadway

Artist(s): Nadya Crossman, Brianna Wentz

Year: 2022

Sponsors: Wall to Wall Mural & Culture Festival, Synonym Art Consultation, Graffiti Art Programming


Nadia Crossman: "Interacting with the Rivers in Treaty 1 have always created a feeling of home for me, whether through paddling, skating, gazing at the waterways along the shorelines, or while flying in a plane over the city. This work creates a bridge between my identity as a Metis woman and these waterways, with the intent to recognize both the beauty of the rivers and the importance of these water systems for Indigenous people of our region."
Source: Synonym Art Consultation