1749 Portage Avenue
Location Map
'Soaring Sun'.
Location: NW corner Portage & Kinf Edward; South Face high)
Occupant: Mistecture Architecture & Interiors
District: St. James
Neighbourhood: King Edward
Artist(s): Melissa Francis
Year: 2021
Sponsors: St. James Village BIZ, Wall to Wall Mural & Culture Festival, Wall to Wall Mural & Culture Festival, Graffiti Art Programming, Signex Manufacturing
Melissa Francis Artist Statement:"'Soaring Sun'" is one of my five original
Mi'kmaq designs consisting of bright colors, bold lines, and distinct shapes. Inspired by
the Indigenous history, stories, and artistic works I've grown to love about my heritage.
To be gifted the Eagle feather in the indigenous culture is a great honor as they are a
symbol of respect, truth, natural power, wisdom, freedom, and all that is positive. The
Eagle is a messenger to the Creator. It is believed that to wear or hold an Eagle feather
causes the Creator to take notice of being honored in the most humble and highest way.
The bright red throughout the piece is a symbol for the Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Girls and Women (MMIGW) Movement. This movement holds a special
place within my heart as I know many women, including myself that have fell victim to
abuse and fear. Keeping the spirit of the missing children in my painting, I have included
the orange spots amongst the red, following with purple for a bold and bright contrast.
The intended audience for this piece is everyone and everything. There is no specific
aim of certain people for my artwork as I want all ages and ethnicities to be able to
enjoy, observe, question, learn and feel when they look at one of my paintings." (Source:
Wall to Wall Mural Festival Notes)