The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 68-72 of 721


639 Broadway    Location Map

Size: 4' X 16'

Location: NW corner Broadway & Langside; East Face

Occupant: Wannabee's Diner

District: West End

Neighbourhood: West Broadway

Artist(s): Chase Martin (unsigned)

Year: 2020

Sponsors: Synonym Art Consultation, Graffiti Art Programming, West Broadway BIZ, Signex Manufacturing, Wall to Wall Mural & Culture Festival


Chase Martin's Artist Bio and links to his Instagram page can be viewed here.

'Beach' is a work that explores the concepts of gender identity, gender expression and sexual identity. An overlapping amalgamation of the figures' lower bodies forms an impenetrable celebratory surface of scribbles and colourful rhythm.

Cropped figures adopt an ambiguous gender/sex, allowing the viewer to contemplate their relationship with the figures. Stylized speedos, shorts, and bottoms contort and obscure the physical sex of the figures, making this ambiguity possible. Though ambiguity is the central concept of the work, seemingly contradictory, the work attempts to de- emphasize the prominence of gender by resisting the viewer's natural desire to decipher the work via categorization. This ambiguity consequently interrupts the homoerotic nature of the work. The work thus adopts an ambiguous sexual identity which is entirely contingent on the viewer's projected experience.

Source: 2020 Wall-to-Wall Mural and Culture Festival notes.