170 Poplar Avenue (1)
Location Map
Location: S side bet. Henderson Hwy & Brazier; South Face
Occupant: Lord Selkirk School
District: East Kildonan
Neighbourhood: Chalmers
Artist(s): Annie Bergen, Lord Selkirk School Students
Year: 2015
Sponsors: Take Pride Winnipeg!
Annie Bergen: "The Mural theme is native plants + animals. We were also asked to
depict gardening and ecological practices, so we have kids composting, recycling, and of
course gardening. Since I've moved to the country, I am very interested in native plant
species as well as gardening, composting, etc. So this subject was of great interest to me
and I thoroughly enjoyed this project!"
"The garden is a 'Three Sisters' garden, an ancient, sustainable Native American
gardening practice where three plants grow in a symbiotic relationship - each
replenishing what another plant takes from the soil and helping each other to thrive. The
corn provides support for the beans to grow up, the beans fix the nitrogen for the soil and
also strengthen the corn stalk, making them less susceptible to damage, etc. The squash
as it vines outwards provides shade and acts as a mulch, so plants can still thrive in dry
seasons, and also helping with weed control."
"I worked with students for a couple of weeks during the springtime, painting cut-outs
with students that were later installed on top of the painted Mural. On nice school days,
we would go outside and start working on our background. It was a lovely location -
beautifully shady till about 2 pm. At that point, kids could hardly handle the intense heat
so I would generally work on my own for the final couple hours of the school day.
During the summer, I worked with kids from their CSI program for about 2 weeks to
complete the rest of our background painting. Once that was complete, and the Mural was
sealed, my partner Lee and I installed the wooden cut out shapes on top of the finished
Mural. This adds another element of relief, adding more dimension to the Mural."