The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 680-684 of 721


497 Weedon Street (Traffic Box)    Location Map

The Prairie Crocus is the official provincial flower of Manitoba. Artist Tom Andrich is at left. The artwork was completed in 2001, but the box did not hit the streets until March 2003; and was located at Portage & Garry. In 2011 it became necessary to replace this controller box with a larger one- the box was donated to a private citizen and was moved to its newer permanent location. To see photos at its newer, permanent location, see Photos 4, 5 & 6.

Location: Traffic Controller Box on front lawn

Occupant: private residence

District: East Kildonan

Neighbourhood: Munroe East

Artist(s): Tom Andrich (Eclectic Fine Art)

Year: 2003

Sponsors: Take Pride Winnipeg!