The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 472-476 of 721


1775 Portage Avenue    Location Map

Location: NW corner Portage & Berry; East Face

Occupant: Canadian Supershop

District: St. James

Neighbourhood: King Edward

Artist(s): Charlie Johnston (C5 Artworks)

Year: 2004


Charlie Johnston: "This is a return to a lot of the stuff I used to do as a signpainter; and a reaffirmation that the skills that I had learned were still valid. Castrol, who was the client, wanted a racecar represented boldly and dynamically. The previous Mural at this location (see RIP section, same address) was also for Castrol, but it was very static and not pictorial. They had seen my work for Canada Auto (see 1688 St. Matthews) and they wanted something done of a comparable quality."

"The thing that was a bit different for me in this one is that the layout design was digitally rendered. In most other cases I lay the design out by hand."