The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 211-215 of 721


65 Granville Street (3)    Location Map

The East and South walls.

Location: behind and just North of Norquay Community Centre

Occupant: NPDWC Community Oven in Michalle Jean Park

District: North End

Neighbourhood: North Point Douglas

Artist(s): Leah Decter, Dee Barsy, Jessica Canard, Dakota Chambers-Hourie, Hope Akello, Kaitlyn Obradovik, Eddie Dewey, Tyron Messetay, North Point Douglas Children

Year: 2012

Sponsors: Manitoba Arts Council, Canada Summer Jobs, Manitoba Metis Federation, MB4Youth, Province of Manitoba Children and Youth, Change for the Better Foundation, Graffiti Art Programming

Painters: Facilitated by Leah Decter. Assisted by Shaune Thompson, Shanine Palmer, Jen Sanderson, Russell Starr and Jasmine Chartrand


Hope Akello: "All of us drew for this project. All came together. We all had different ideas and promptly pieced them all together."

Hope's description of the design: "In the front where the oven door is there's flames coming out because there is fire inside and within the smoke of the flames there are the seven teaching animals that are crawling or flying out. Those animals are wrapped in ribbons; and the ribbons are four different colours- the four directional colours from indigenous teachings- red yellow white and black. They wrap around the two sides of the building. Within the ribbons are food items the small children of this neighbourhood have drawn like donuts lollipops and loaves of bread. Around the back you can see a little miniature oven with smoke coming out and people around the oven doing different activities and having fun and enjoying the food coming out of the oven."