The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 198-202 of 721


10 Gilbert Avenue    Location Map

"Let Only Good Spirits Guide You".

Location: SE corner Gilbert & Burrows; North Face

Occupant: Gilbert Park Housing

District: McPhillips-Keewatin

Neighbourhood: Burrows-Keewatin

Artist(s): Chandler McLeod

Year: 2004

Sponsors: Gilbert Park Tenants Association, Winnipeg Boys & Girls Clubs, Doug Martindale (MLA Burrows)

Painters: Thanks to Pam Zorn.


Gilbert Park is a Manitoba Housing Complex situated in the McPhillips-Keewatin district of the city. Like other Manitoba Housing sites, the tenants here are economically disadvantaged and face perhaps greater challenges than other Winnipeggers in their day- to-day life. The Gilbert Park Tenants Association exists to try to bring about improvements and a greater sense of satisfaction comfort and pride in their community. According to Association President Chuckie Brunette, several events have been planned and carried off successfully in the recent past, including community BBQ's and community Bingos, which serve the dual purpose of increasing neighbourly fellowship while raising money for children's programs. More recently, the Association set its sights on providing an outward signal to the larger community that there are positive changes at work within the Park.

The idea for a Mural was put forward by Pam Zorn, the Community Facilitator from Nor' West Community Health Centre. Zorn felt that a Mural would be a really good visual to get people motivated to work towards community change. As luck would have it, artist Chandler McLeod, who used to live in the Park, was visiting at Four Feathers in the Housing complex, and met with the Tenant's Association about designing a Mural for a wall at the bus stop on the corner of Burrows and Gilbert. McLeod is well known in the community for his artwork. His work is on display in the Aboriginal Head Start Program; and he also donates pieces to Child Find Manitoba. McLeod was quite willing to accept this project, and did it at cost. The Mural progressed slowly, due to the wet weather; and was completed in about one month. The Mural depicts a family, an eagle and seven teachings of inspiration that are appropriate to all- independent of race, religion, culture or economic status.

Pam Zorn: "We hope that when people drive by or wait for the bus in front of the Mural, they will see that positive things are happening in this community and that a change of perception has to happen within each of us before it can happen in the community."