'Multicultural Families Mural' This wall was completed over 2 years working one half day per week. Sky Richard, the lead artist was responsible for all sorts of interesting imagery on this wall. This photo reflects additional enhancements made to the wall in 2010, including a arevised east wall and changes to the top left corner of the main wall that complements it. All subsequent photos are from 2008.
slightly North of the NE corner Spence & Sargent; North (rear) Face
Occupant: Pregnancy and Family Support Services Inc.
To hear Sky Richard's CKUW interview about this wall, click
Multicultural Mural 2009 - Our Home in the City
Sky Richard: "This mural is part of an initiative arranged by members of EPPIS (the
Early Psychosis Prevention & Intervention Service) and PFSS (Pregnant Family Support
Services). With a radio promotion offering a volunteer mural, EPPIS was able to gather
the support of PFSS. "
"Artists and volunteers worked together to design and complete multicultural images
focusing on families and communities. Original artwork by the participants is fused with
inspirations from other multicultural artist renderings."
"The painting now brightens up an area that had long been a target of vandalism and
refuse. It receives many encouraging reviews from residents of the community. A
clearcoating is planned for the finale. It's scheduled to be unveiled during the annual
Spence Neighborhood street festival in 2009."
"Thanks to all of the participants and the Murals of Winnipeg team for all its