The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: 185 Young Street (1)

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Photo of the freshly finished Mural for the Broadway Skatepark. Photo courtesy of Peatr Thomas.



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Location: West side South of Broadway; garage

Occupant: Broadway Community Centre Skatepark

District: West End

Neighbourhood: West Broadway

Artist(s): Peatr Thomas

Year: 2021


Peatr Thomas: "The Mural spells out LOVE, and is intertwined with the Inninew Syllabics for the word love. It was commissioned by Broadway Neighbourhood Centre."

. "Being a Skateboarder of 20 years, I observed nothing but true love/passion for sport. Injury, high level of difficultly to learn, and discipline are inevitable, so there must be a real love to want to continue skateboarding. This is why I chose this word for the skatepark. The syllabics have no phonetic translation, to spark conversation on the meaning of the symbols. At the same time a push to revitalize the Inninew language. "